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Having Linear Rail Delivery & Cost Issues?
If you need Performance and Delivery at a Very Competitive Price, we have the solution!

You Have Options

Demand is increasing and manufacturers are not keeping up sufficient supply, which means that delivery is becoming an issue and costs are rising. Here's what we are able to offer:

  1. Best delivery in the industry, period!
  2. 3mm to 45mm rails, Drop In Replacement to almost every linear rail manf.
  3. Inner lubrication pad offers constant direct contact with the ball bearings
  4. Designed to handle large ball bearings resulting in superior load capacities
  5. Reinforced patented end plates = protection for high speed applications

iAutomation Can Help

If you have any questions about these products or would like to discuss applications with us, Click Here.

Learn more about what iAutomation has to offer >>

in-no-va-tion  \,i-nǝ-'vã-shǝn\ noun
def: the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods

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